Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Looking for Answers

We have been reminded again in recent days of what a mixed up world in which we live. Sadly, we seem to value life less and less. We see arguments over which lives matter, which lives matter more, and which lives matter at this juncture. Further, we see arguments over which words we use and how we use them. In order to hash these things out we turn to social media where we can drop verbal bombs with little consideration of the feelings of others or the impact of our words. It is always easier to hide behind a key board than it is to look someone in the face.

I would not try to dissect what is going on in our world for a million dollars. I don’t understand it. I can’t understand it. I am an educated, middle class white man who has never experienced what others from various minority groups have. Every encounter I have ever had with police has been pleasant; except for one officer with a particularly bad attitude in Wharton, TX (funny story for another time, but I almost went to jail).

Yesterday I met with a group of local pastors and faith leaders. It was a representative group of our community. Different races, denominations, and even different faiths. I expect that this group will continue to grow as we meet in the future, thus furthering the diversity of the group. We met to talk…that’s all. We are not even sure what the group will be, we only wanted to start a conversation. I’m not sure it will help or fix anything, but we are trying.

As I stated, I have more questions than I do answers. I have no solutions to offer and no plan for reconciliation. However, I did read this in my morning Bible reading, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40). I’m not sure we can improve upon what our Lord has commanded. If we can love our God and love our neighbor, at least it is a start.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth FitzsimmonsJuly 13, 2016 at 10:47 PM

    It is the start! The Ten Commandments is the foundation of ourselves whom choose to be of Christian Faith, that as we first learn them, and are given another day to continue to live, we learn. By living your life from your experiences with oneself and with family and then socially, these Ten Commandments will be in our daily lives. We, oneself, fall. The Lord does not intend to be perfect or there would not be God, our Father. He forgives, we should work towards forgiving and ask for forgiveness. If we could practice at least one of the last five Commandments each day, what a great prescence to pass to another and they to another.....what a wonderful world.
