Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Line Known As Normal

I was speaking with a friend of mine on the phone yesterday (a real friend, not the mythical friend of yesterday’s post) and I told him that I had to go run.  He told me to go ahead and asked how far I intended to run.  I said I just planned to do two or three miles.  His response to this was “Just?”  That’s when it hit me, “normal” is relative. 

This past October I ran a half marathon.  In preparation for my half marathon I often ran 8, 9, or 10 miles.  These long training runs have redefined what normal is to me.  I have also noticed that those who run full marathons have a different view of normal.  To them 8, 9, or 10 miles represent a short training run.  All of this got me thinking, what other areas in life can we move the line that is known as “normal”?

Can we move the line that is a normal prayer life?

Can we move the line that is known as normal leadership?

Can we move the line that defines normal eating habits?

Can we move the line that is a normal work ethic?

Can we move the line that normally defines excellence?

Can we even move the line that normally defines possible?

The line that defined a “normal” run was not moved in a day.  That line was defined my gradually but steadily increasing my run distances.  Sometimes it was hard.  Other times it came easily.  However, whether hard or easy, it took consistency.  I firmly believe that all the “lines” above can be moved, as well as many more, with a little commitment, sacrifice, and consistency. Go redefine your normal!

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