Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Our Roles, God's Roles

There is nothing in this world more defeating and discouraging than trying to do something that you are neither equipped nor called to do.  Many a person has given up on ministry because they were unable to draw a distinction between God’s role and their own personal role.  This was not a struggle for John the Baptist.

In Luke 3:16-17 we see John clarify what he can do and what Christ will do.   It is here we find an “I will/He will” statement.  John says, “I baptize with water…but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”  John also says of Jesus, “His winnowing fork is in his hand.”  John knew that he had no power to give the Holy Spirit.  He also knew that he had now power to separate the chaff from the wheat.  These were for our Lord to do.  John’s call was to make these things known.

In your life and in your ministry be aware of what God has called you to do.  Also, be aware of what God has not called you to do.  There are things that are reserved for God and we are unable to accomplish them.  It is ours to tell, but God’s to convert.  It is ours to create opportunity, but God’s to convince people to accept it.  It is ours to prepare the way, but it is God’s to accomplish the task.  The ability to keep our roles and God’s roles clear and distinctive will help us to avoid a great amount of frustration in life.

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