Sunday, January 3, 2016

On Being Decisive

Clear and definitive leadership is always appreciated.  Unfortunately, only those blinded by their own self-confidence can display such clarity in most cases.  For the rest, there is usually at least a seed of doubt planted in every decision.  However, there are those times that we can speak with absolute confidence.  When are these times?  When we have a clear word from the Lord.

When John the Baptist is born (Luke 1), there is a great amount of discussion about what his name should be.  There are those who believe he should take his father’s name, Zechariah.  However, his mother says his name is to be John.  The people around her are puzzled as no one in his family had ever been named John.  Finally, his father, unable to speak due to a previous bout with doubt, takes a table and writes, “His name is John” (1:63, ESV).  Why can the one who previously doubted speak with such confidence?  Because he had a word from the Lord.

Regrettably, we cannot always speak with such confidence.  For whatever reason, the Lord does not always make His will known to us with such clarity.  However, our confidence will be multiplied exponentially when we have such a word.  If we are to gain such confidence, it will be the result of seasons of prayer.  In order to be decisive leader, be faithful in prayer.  Seek God.  Seek His face.  Seek to hear precisely what it is that He would have you to do.  Then, even if clarity does not come, we will at least have the confidence that the decision has been bathed in prayer.

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