Commitment is a funny thing. Some commitments we take very
seriously and some not so much. Some commitments we make mean a lot to us while
others may not carry as much weight. However, there is one area in our lives
where the commitment must mean everything; our commitment to Christ.
Jesus makes this very clear to us. In Luke 14:25-33, Jesus
makes a number of statements indicating that following him should not be taken
lightly. Our relationship to Christ is to take precedence over our relationship
to our father and mother, our spouse and children, our brothers and sisters,
and yes, even over our own life.
The call is clear, take up your cross and follow Christ. Though
the call is high, Jesus does not ask us to make the commitment without
consideration. He gives us two illustrations to encourage us to give great
consideration before making a light hearted commitment. First, he says no one
would build a building without making sure he can afford it. Second, no one would
go to battle without making sure they could win.
So the question is before us. Are you willing to renounce
all you have and all you are to be a disciple of Christ (Luke 14:33)?
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