Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Three Powerful Tools

I have written on several occasions recently about following God’s will, pursuing your dreams, and being in the center of what God has planned for you.  I would like to share three powerful tools you might use for such pursuits.  In a day of computers, iPads, and apps (I love apps), these tools would be considered relatively low tech.  However, the fact that they are low tech has not diminished their effectiveness one bit.  Are you ready?  Here they are:

1.  The Bible

2.  A Journal

3.  A Pen

There really is nothing better for a man or woman, who wants to know the will of God, than to sit down with the Bible, a journal, and a pen.  Record what God says to you.  Record what you are thinking.  Record the thoughts and ideas that continue to resurface.  Then, as you look back over what you have written, you will discover that there are patterns and themes.  These patterns and themes will begin to clue you in as to what God has for you.

The journal is also an incredible place to vet your dreams in light of scripture.  Think through what you desire to do.  Think through the ins and outs.  Think through the obstacles that might be faced.  Such an intentional approach will help you to be successful in your pursuits.  My mom used to tell me, “Darrell, anything worth having is worth working for.”  Such advice certainly applies to our spiritual walk as well as our pursuits in life.

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