Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dream Crashers

Do you have big dreams you have never told anyone about?  Do you keep your deepest aspirations to yourself because you wonder what others would say or think?  Are you afraid that your secret inner desires would cause others to break up in laughter?  Then I would say to you that you have fallen victim to the “Dream Crashers.”  Sadly, I think most people fall victim to the “Dream Crashers”.  We have big ideas, big dreams, big aspirations, but we sit politely by out of a fear of what might happen if we actually chased our dreams.  These “Dream Crashers” are all around us.  In fact, I can think of seven that you are certain to deal with:

1.  Fear  

Too often we are afraid to move because we don’t know what the future will look like.  What if we fail?  Maybe just as frightening is the thought, what if we succeed?  Here’s a question for you, what if you chase your dream and fail?  What would be different than it is right now?  You already don’t have the dream.  Chase it, what’s the worst that could happen?  You end up with what you already have?

2.  Low Self-Esteem

Have you ever thought, “That would be great but it is obviously not for me”?  Maybe someone smarter, or better looking, or smoother, could pull that off.  Why not you?  Give yourself one shot and see what might happen.

3.  Denial

I wonder how often we don’t pursue our dreams because we love the idea of the dream too much to risk it.  So we convince ourselves that while it would be great, it could never work.  And even if it would work, it would not work for me.  I don’t know enough.  My name is not big enough.  No one would listen to me.  We deny the very idea that we might be successful.

4.  Well Intentioned Friends

It has been my experience that well intentioned friends can pick apart my dreams, ideas, and vision until there is nothing left.  They just don’t want me to get hurt.  They want to make sure I have thought of everything.  They want to make sure that if I do set out on a venture that I am successful.  Here are two thoughts for such well-intentioned friends:  Until you chase your dreams, leave mine alone.  And second, why are you so afraid that I might sneak off and be successful?

5.  Well Intentioned Family Members

I remember like yesterday, even though it was nearly 15 years ago, when my biological father (that is a whole other blog post) stood in my driveway and told me I would never pastor anything but a small country church.  I have nothing against small country churches and would gladly pastor such if it is God’s will, but thanks for the blessing DAD.  I think that family members are often afraid that your potential success will make them look bad.  Don’t let them hold you back.  Go chase the dream.

6.  A Lack of Faith

The simple fact is, you may not be good enough to pull off the dream, but God is.  God can do through you what you might never be able to accomplish on your own.  Step out in faith; give God the opportunity to use you.  Take a chance and see how God might use your life just to show off a little bit in order to bring glory to Himself.

7.  Security

It’s safe here.  I know what I have, I know what life looks like, and I’m seldom asked to step outside my comfort zone.  Here’s the cold hard truth:  If you are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone you will always have what you have and nothing more.  Take the risk.  Step out there and see if just maybe your wildest dreams will become a reality.

I often wonder what God thinks as we sit safely by unwilling to take a risk.  Psalm 37:4 instructs, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Is it possible that God gives us the desire of our heart because He is the one that put them there in the first place?  Be a good steward of the dream.  Do not waste the vision that God has given you.  Pursue your dreams with passion, faith, and expectation.

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