Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Are You Sure?

For I am not ashamed of the gospel,
For it is the power of God for salvation to
Everyone who believes.
Romans 1:16

Confidence is key. Whether you are on an athletic field, in a classroom, or a boardroom, you have to believe in yourself and your approach. Of course, I am not speaking of an ungodly arrogance here, but a confidence that one is doing the right thing for the situation. There has to be some sense that you are sure.

While such confidence is important in other arenas in our lives, there is one that stands apart. There is one area in which we must show more confidence than all others. That is, we must be sure of our God and His plan for our salvation. It is often questioned whether or not there are multiple ways to God. And, if there are, why are you so sure that your way is right?

The Apostle Paul had no doubt. He was able to say with absolute confidence that he was “not ashamed” of the gospel. So sure was Paul that this gospel was the only way to God that he constantly put his life on the line in order to share it. He believed with all of his heart that people who die without the gospel go to hell. For him, this was unacceptable and people had to know. He lacked no confidence that this gospel was true.

When I read passages like this, as familiar as it is, I am humbled. I am reminded that the business of spreading the gospel is serious business. The call to “go” is not a call that we should take lightly. The call to “go” is a mandate, not a suggestion. Oh how I pray that our confidence in the gospel would grow. I also pray that the truth of the exclusiveness of the gospel would be driven home to us. Let our hearts be the same as Paul’s. May we say with him confidently, “I am not ashamed of the gospel.”

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