After the uproar ceased, Paul sent for the disciples, and after
encouraging them, he said farewell and departed for Macedonia.
Acts 20:1
The power of a word of encouragement should never be
underestimated. Whether we are offering it or receiving it, there is little
doubt that encouragement can go a long way. Paul knew this fact. After a huge
uproar, related to Artemis, Paul takes the time to encourage the disciples of
Christ. Certainly it would have been easy for them to grow discouraged after
being challenged in such a strong way. Paul wanted to make sure that they did
not lose heart, so he brought them in and sought to build them up.
We come in contact with people on a daily basis that need
encouragement. Whether they are just having a tough day or have been facing an ongoing
trial, we have the opportunity to give that word of hope or belief. Take time
today to look around. Take note of those who need a word of encouragement and
offer it. Be the person today that speaks hope; that paints a picture of a
bright future.
One of the interesting dynamics of encouragement is that when
you offer it, you too are encouraged. There is just something special about
being in the mindset of helping others. Do not underestimate the power of
encouragement to touch another and do not underestimate encouragements power to
touch you, too.
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