When difficulties or challenges arise in our lives, we must
choose how we are going to respond. We can view the difficulty as the end of
the story or we can wait and see what God is going to do. Throughout Scripture
we see people face difficulties, some of their own making and some they had no
control over. However, God always seems to move on their behalf to bring about
great things.
One such story is the story of Joseph. Joseph’s brothers
sell him into slavery. He is taken from his home into Egypt. While in Egypt he
ends up in prison. If ever someone had a reason to declare defeat and just give
up, it was Joseph. However, Joseph continued to give life his all and to trust
the Lord. The time came that God raised Joseph up out of his dungeon and put
him in a place of power.
It was in this place of power, essentially the Prime
Minister of Egypt, that Joseph once again faces his brothers. In spite of all
they did to him and the fact that his life was incredibly difficult because of
their actions, he displays grace. When his brothers discovered that it was him,
they were afraid. Was he going to use this opportunity to settle the score?
Joseph does not. Instead, Joseph says to them, “do not be distressed or angry
with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to
preserve life” (Gen. 45:5).
Joseph recognized that God has been working the whole time.
Though he had to face some very dark hours, God had sent him ahead to prepare
for a coming famine. Now that time and come the purposes of God were
revealed. Many of us face difficult days. It is often hard to understand what
God is up to. However, we must keep the faith, live our lives as God has called
us to, and press forward in optimism. When the time comes, God’s purposes will
be revealed.
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