Inherent to the call to follow Christ is also the call to propagate
the gospel. It is the plan of Christ that His followers will share the good
news of His death, burial, and resurrection. Christ desires that others would
know that the price has been paid for their sins and that He has paved a way
for us to have a relationship with the Father and to have eternal life.
In Acts 26, having been arrested because of his testimony of
Christ, Paul boldly proclaims what Christ has done for him. He share a step by
step account as to who he was and how Christ changed him. Paul shows no sense
of fear or shame as he proclaims the truth of who Christ is. So convincing is
Paul that Agrippa, in front of whom Paul was arguing his case, asks, “In a
short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?” (Acts 26:28). Without a
doubt, Agrippa is sensing the truth of what Paul has to say and is not sure how
to respond.
Paul’s answer to Agrippa in this moment reflects the heart
that every believer ought to have when it comes to the spread of the gospel.
Paul says, “Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also
all who hear me this day might become such as I am – except for these chains”
(Acts 26:29). Paul had one driving force in his life. Paul knew his calling;
his mission. Paul’s greatest desire was to see people come to Christ.
What is our greatest desire? Too often our greatest desire
is to receive that long overdue promotion. Maybe we desire to finally build the
home we have dreamed about forever. Or, maybe we simply desire to take that
once in a lifetime vacation. Not Paul. Paul only desired to see people come to
the Lord. He was driven by this desire. So great was his desire to see people
come to the Lord, he prioritized it even before his own freedom. Oh that the
heart of Paul would be transferred us. If only the church would catch such a
passion today, what might change? Make it a point, today, to ask the Lord to
begin to work in your heart as He did in Paul’s.
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