Tuesday, February 2, 2016


When you face your hour of trial, will you be able to pass the test? Folded within the larger story of Luke 22 is the personal story of Peter. In this chapter Jesus is arrested and the mockery that is His trial(s) begins – false accusations toward Christ are made, Pilate and Herod are trying to decide who is going to do something with Christ, and the Elders, Chief Priest, and Scribes are trying to make sure that Jesus does not make it out of this situation alive. Meanwhile, as the main story line is playing out, Peter discovers that he is not as strong as he thought he was.

Jesus had warned Peter that Satan was going to come after him (Luke 22:31-32). Peter, however, boldly proclaimed, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to the death” (v. 33). Jesus, knowing Peter better than Peter knew himself then says to him, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me” (v. 34). Fast forward a few hours and Peter had just denied Christ for the third time (v. 60). In the distance, Peter hears a rooster crow and his heart drops (v. 60). The Bible tells us that Peter remembers Jesus’ words and went out and wept bitterly (v. 62).

We know the rest of the story. Peter makes a tremendous comeback and is the key leader in the launch of the church. Peter may have failed in this hour, but his failure was not final. By God’s grace Peter made a tremendous comeback. However, there is still value for us to consider why Peter failed in this moment. It seems that Peter’s failure was rooted in two simple mistakes; he ignored the warning of Christ and he overestimated his own strength.

If we are not careful, we can make the same mistake Peter made. If we overestimate our own strength it can lead to us ignoring the warnings before us. We must endeavor to know the Word of God and live according to it. Do not ignore the warnings in Scripture, even if they seem small and of little consequence. Also, do not overestimate your own strength. Walk humbly before the Lord, trusting Him to lead you and guide you.

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