There are times that God will call us to something bigger than
ourselves. When this call comes, it is not uncommon to feel fear or
apprehension. However, what we do in this moment of pause is of vital
importance. On the one hand, we can be paralyzed by fear which will lead to
inaction. On the other, we can proceed in faith and allow God to do in us what
we cannot do ourselves.
Moses faced such a dilemma. He did not view himself as a
leader or as particularly competent. All Moses could see was his past and the
failures that had mounted in his life. However, God chose Moses to be the one
who would lead Israel out of her slavery in Egypt. Moses would be the one to
approach Pharaoh and let him know that God had said it was time for the people
of Israel to go free.
When God’s call came to Moses, he did not exactly respond in
confidence. In fact, Moses says, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and
bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11). Moses was only
looking at his own resources and abilities. However, God responds by saying, “But
I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you:
when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this
mountain” (Exodus 3:12). God was not fixated on what Moses could do, but what
He could do through Moses. So sure was God that this would work that He spoke
of the end result as if it had already happened – “you shall serve God on this
When God calls you out, do not think of all the reasons you
cannot do what He is asking. Instead, look for God’s promised presence. If God
has promised to be with you, then pursue His call with all you are. Do not
allow fear or disbelief to stand between you and God’s will. Allow God to use
you in spite of your weaknesses. If you wait until you think you are ready, you
will never move.