You know the drill. A problem arises, or a need presents
itself, and off to prayer we go. We faithfully wait and trust. We spend the
next days or hours waiting for God to move on our behalf. Then it happens. God
provides. Our problem is solved or our need is met. Now what? We make our way
through the next days happy and in a good mood because we made it past the
latest crisis.
Unfortunately, we often forget to return to the same God we
were pleading with just previously. We forget to return and say thank you.
Maybe we even fail to recognize that it was God answering our prayer. We may
simply count ourselves lucky that the problem worked out. We should make it our
habit to be as diligent in thanksgiving as we are in asking.
Scripture records a story of ten lepers that Jesus met on
the way to Jerusalem. These ten cry out to Jesus, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on
us” (Luke 17:13). We can’t really blame them. The life of a leper was a lonely
one. You were not allowed to have contact with anyone. Additionally, you were
watching your body literally be eaten by a disease.
Jesus answers the lepers by saying, “Go and show yourselves
to the priests” (17:14). In other words, you have been healed, now go get verification.
Once the lepers had this verification, only one returned to thank Jesus. Jesus
asks him, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to
return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” (Luke 17:17-18). What
happened to the other nine? Their lives had just been forever changed. No
longer did they have to live in isolation. Sadly, once the problem was solved,
they forgot about the Lord and went on their way.
We must be careful not to be in the company of the nine. We
must be like the one. The one who came back to say thank you and give glory to
God. We must find ourselves in this 10% that takes time to worship. We must be
careful about moving on with life too quickly after a problem has been solved.
Give glory to God for the things He does in your life.
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