Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Every morning of the week I go through a specific routine. After I wake up, spend some time reading the Bible and praying I get ready for the day. Getting ready for the day involves a shower, brushing my teeth, shaving, and getting dressed. When I get dressed I will either wear a nice pair of jeans or a pair of Docker type dress pants. The shirt I wear has been to the cleaners and is nicely pressed. I will also wear a nice pair of casual shoes and a dress belt that matches. All of this is designed for a specific purpose; I want to look nice and professional.

Jesus was not oppose to us looking nice and presenting ourselves in a professional manner. However, He was greatly concerned that we would spend so much time considering our condition on the outside and ignoring what may be going on inside.

Jesus was once invited to dine with a Pharisee. When Jesus sat down at the table to eat the Pharisee was astonished that Jesus did not wash His hands. Jesus says to him, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also?” (Luke 11:39-40).

None of us would seek to save time by washing only the outside of our dishes and then returning them to the cabinet. We would consider such an act to be preposterous. However, our Lord wants us to know that our routines, that only concern themselves with how we look on the outside, are equally preposterous. Make sure today, as you take care of yourself, that you do a little soul care also. Spend some time with the Lord, spend time in His word, allow Him to speak to you, and respond in obedience. By doing this, we will avoid being called a “fool” as the Pharisees were.

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