Over the last several days we have taken a look at what it
means to have a God-given vision. As we
have examined this in the life of Nehemiah, we have given consideration as to
what it means to receive such a vision and how we should respond. We have also closely considered Nehemiah’s
prayer response to God moving in his life.
Today we turn our attention to the pursuit of our God-given vision. There comes a time when calling gives way to
action. However, we want to make sure
that it is the right kind of action that we are involving ourselves in.
One thing is clear, our first steps will be faith steps. That is, we will often have to launch out
without knowing fully what the future is going to look like. This is precisely what we see in the life of
Nehemiah. He begins the pursuit of God’s
call to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, but has no clear picture of what the
future holds. However, the things that Nehemiah
gives his attention to (as delineated in chapter 2 of Nehemiah) serve to coach
us as to where our focus should be early on.
Actively Wait
From the time Nehemiah first heard of the condition of
Nehemiah (1:1), until he began to move (2:1), was a period of four months. Clearly this period of waiting was not
wasted. It certainly appears that
Nehemiah used this time for two activities: prayer and preparation. When you find yourself in a time of waiting,
don’t waste it, invest it.
Pray Persistently
Only two chapters into Nehemiah and already we get our
second reference to prayer (v. 4). The
text seems to indicate that this prayer was a very short offering to the
Lord. However, it is important to note
that Nehemiah’s shorter, more direct prayers, are offered upon a deeper
foundation of prayer as we see in the first chapter of Nehemiah.
Plan Carefully
Nehemiah is asked (2:4-5) by the king what it is that he
wants. Nehemiah waste to time. He has prayed and he has planned. Nehemiah very quickly delineates a list of
items that he needs. As a result, the
king obliges. We, too, must always make
sure that we have a plan and know what we need to make sure our God-given vision
can become reality.
Expect Opposition
We read no further than Nehemiah 2:10 before his adversaries
are introduced. For the remainder of this
book, Nehemiah will deal with these men and their friends. It is a simple fact, that as you seek to
serve the Lord, you will face opposition.
Do not grow discouraged. View the
opposition as an affirmation that you are headed in the direction God has
called you.
Thoroughly Assess
By the end of chapter 2, Nehemiah finds himself in
Jerusalem. We are told that Nehemiah
went out to survey the damage for himself (vs. 11-17). Nehemiah wanted to determine exactly what lay
ahead. When pursuing God’s call in your
life, make a habit of assessment.
Constantly assess the vision, the tasks, the job you and others are
doing. Assessment leads to success.
Cast Vision
Having seen God move, having obtained the resources he
needed, and understanding the job that lay ahead, Nehemiah finally comes to the
point he is ready to cast some vision.
He goes to the people (v. 17), and says, “Come, let us build the wall of
Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.” We are further told that the people rose up
and accomplished the task. To lead
people, you must become a great painter…a painter of vision that is.
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