Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Discipline Begets Discipline

An overseer…must be…self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.  Titus 1:7-8

I think it is fair to say that most people would like to be thought of as disciplined individuals.  I’m not sure I have ever met anyone who would say, “I would love to be thought of as disorganized and undisciplined.”  However, the secret we keep, hoping no one will discover, is that we often lack discipline in key areas of our life.

In my life, there are four key areas that I seek to be disciplined:  Spiritually, Intellectually, Physically, and Financially.  Obviously, we all slip from time to time and let areas of discipline slip away.  When we notice that we have slacked in an area, or in several areas, then what do we do?

Well, here is what I have discovered, discipline begets discipline.  If I begin to focus on my physical health it causes me to ask questions about my spiritual health.  When I focus on my spiritual health it causes me to ask questions about my intellectual discipline.  When I consider my intellectual discipline it causes me to consider my financial health.

Today, as you consider the person you want to be and what areas of discipline matter to you, pick the easiest area to attack and get after it.  It won’t be long before you begin to discover other areas are lining up as well.

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