Friday, August 28, 2015

Dare to be Positive

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worth of praise, think about these things.  – Philippians 4:8

We live in a day and age where it is almost considered a virtue to be a negative, condescending, pessimistic individual.  It is as if the more negative we can be, the more miserable we can be, then all the better.  However, we really do not have to be this way.  There is plenty around us that is positive. There is plenty that is going on that is praise worthy, we just have to look for it.

I have noted in my own life, besides the countless research studies that are out there, that keeping a positive mindset impacts everything.  When I keep my mindset positive, I accomplish more, feel better, and I am able to do more for others.  Sometimes we have to really press to see things positively (and sometimes I fail), but it is worth the effort.  Look for the good around you today.  Look for how God is blessing.  Look at what He is doing in your life and in the life of your family.  Look at how God is using your ministry and lives He is touching through you. 

It will take some discipline at times, but looking for the good around us really is worth the effort.

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