Thursday, February 7, 2013

S.I.M.P.L.E. Leadership - Part 5

Prepare Your Leaders to Lead

An individual who is equipped to perform a task with a high level of competency is not necessarily ready to lead.  Excelling in a certain area and being prepared to lead are two entirely different things.  One of the tasks that you should be committed to as a leader is to develop leaders around you.  The more leaders that are trained and equipped within an organization, the greater the level of effectiveness you will reach.  Leaders within the church are reminded of this in Ephesians 4:11-12, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”

Scripture clearly states that the leadership within the church is there, not to carry out the ministry themselves, but to train and equip others to do so.  This means that the leadership of the church, or in any organization for that matter, should be focused on developing others to carry out the mission.  It is when leaders forget this fact that problems begin to happen.  When leaders forget this principle there is no multiplication of leadership or mission.  Soon the organization is limited to what one or two people are capable of doing and everyone else sits on the sideline and watches. 

As leaders, we must develop other leaders.  We must train, equip, and coach those around us.  As we teach them to do the same, a multiplication factor is put into action.  Soon, there are a number of people engaged with a team of leadership around them.  This will always be more effective than one person trying to assume all of the leadership for himself/herself.

There are three things involved in launching new leaders:

1.  Potential leaders must be trained.

This can be done a number of ways.  There is no shortage of leadership books available today.  The literature that is being produced on the topic of leadership these days is incredible.  Add to that the number of credible and quality leadership blogs and literature readily available on the internet and you will conclude that there is really no reason for us not to equip the leaders around us.  Pick a book and read through it with your leadership team.  Select some articles and have your team discuss them in staff meeting.  Select a leadership conference to attend and take your leaders and potential leaders with you.  However you accomplish the task, train your leaders.

2.  Model leadership for your team.

Leadership is hard.  There are tough decisions to make.  There are difficult people who must be dealt with.  There are unpopular directions that must be pursued.  Quite honestly, it is easier to avoid such leadership calls at times and that is why so many organizations are ineffective; their leaders have chosen not to lead.  Do not let this be true of yourself or those around you.  Show them how to make tough decisions.  Show them how to deal with difficult people, in grace.  Show them how to get others to follow even when the best direction is difficult.  Be a model for your team to follow.

3.  Coach your leaders.

No one is good at leadership instantly.  Even those who have strong gifts in the area of leadership will need coached.  Once you have launched your leaders, keep a close eye on them.  Provide pointers as to how they might be more effective.  Provide correction when needed.  Provide encouragement when they are down or feel overwhelmed.  Hold them accountable to delegate when necessary.  And encourage them to develop yet another tier of leaders. 

In my opinion, at least in church life, the biggest failure of leadership is in the area of developing other leaders.  On the front end it takes a lot of time.  Things that could be done in a moment take longer because you are developing others to do it.  However, the long term benefits cannot be measured.  Not only will it lighten the load of the organizational leadership, it will also secure the long term health of the organization as a multitude of leaders allows for continuity.  So, take the time, invest in others.  Those around you will thank you for helping them become better.  And, most of all, you will than yourself for making these moves.

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