Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Preaching Schedule

We find ourselves at the beginning of yet another year.  One of the concerns that stands before a pastor each year at this time is related to his preaching schedule.  I thought I would take a few minutes and share how I approach my preaching schedule each year.

January – I commit January of each year to preaching on vision.  There needs to be a time each year when the pastor reminds the church of the Great Comission and shares with the church what that will specifically look like in the local body.  I have heard it said and found it to be true, “Vision Leaks.”

February and March – February and March are set aside for an expository series.  This series may walk through an entire book or a section of a book such as the “Sermon on the Mount.”

April – It seems every April that people are thinking about money as it is tax month.  Some are thinking of the money they have to pay and some are thinking of the money they will get back.  Whatever the case, it seems virtually everyone is thinking about money.  This series might be a stewardship series, a money management series, a series on generosity, or something of the sort.  It also might be wise to launch a group such as “Financial Peace University” during this month.

First Sunday of May – The first Sunday of May can be used either as a “flex Sunday” incase Easter pushed your money series out a week or as a Vision Booster.  I like the idea of a Vision Booster heading into the summer.  It is a chance to remind the people once again what they should be focusing on.

Mother’s Day – Father’s Day – During this range of dates (six to seven weeks) I do a family series.  This could focus on a number of aspects: marriage, parenting, communication, or something such as being men of God and women of God.  During this range of dates it might be beneficial to have a marriage retreat.

Remainder of June – August – This is time for a second expository series.  I will either do another book, another section of a book, or I might pick up where the February – March series left off.

September – Since the kids head back to school and we ask them to be disciplined in their endeavors I will focus on a Spiritual Discipline or a series of Spiritual Disciples for the month of September.  If there is something pressing I might focus on a felt need for the month of September.

October – November – I will do a third expository series or wrap up the book I focused on in February – March and the end of June – August.

December – Through the month of December I will focus on some aspect of Christmas.  Sometimes I will try and link the Christmas story to the importance of missions.

There are certainly any number of approaches to preaching that will work but this is what I have found that works for me.  Hopefully it will serve you well or at least get you thinking about what will work in your context.

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